Enter colors to the leftabove. Don't have your own colors? Checkout some of our sample color grids:
- Support for Hex, RGB, HSL, HSLA, etc
- Support color names (and having the name output within the table). Separate the name from the color with a colon (
). Easy copy/pasting of CSS with variable names (even with comments afterwards). The following code will parse perfectly:
--teen-party--primary: #cc208e; /* accessibile on white, not on dark */ --teen-party--secondary: #6713d2; /* accessibile on white, not on dark */ --cotton-candy--primary: #00dbde; /* not accessibile on white. Accessible on dark */ --cotton-candy--secondary: #fc00ff; /* not accessibile on white. 3.19:1 on dark */
- Easy copying and pasting from Sass maps into the form. The following will work perfectly (the invalid lines will be discarded):
$palette: ( blue-40: #185d87, blue-45: #0068a8, blue-50: #177ab6, blue-55: #2284c0, blue-60: #37a9ef, blue-70: #89d2ff, blue-90: #cdebf9, );
- Sticky table headings and hover "crosshairs" make it easy to see which colors you're looking at when there is a very large table of colors.
- Super nifty "flip axis data" button (↑↓) that will flip the values in the X and Y coordinates.
- Saves the color grid to the URL, so you can share with your coworkers.
- You can use your browser's back/forward buttons to navigate back and forth when you make changes.
- Super lightweight. Written in vanilla HTML/CSS/JS, and without any tracking/analytics scripts.